Creative Meeting - What to Expect

The first step to any of the Photo Session options is the Creative Meeting. But what is a Creative Meeting? Why is it so important? Why do we even need this meeting? All of these questions may be going through your head. Don’t worry. We will answer all the questions. And if you have more, please ask!

  • So, what exactly is a Creative Meeting?

    The Creative Meeting is the Zoom meeting that is set up when you make contact with me showing interest in a Photo Session for your pet. The Zoom meeting usually lasts anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour. This Creative Meeting allows us to get to know each other a little. This is where we introduce ourselves, you can introduce your pet, and we can set up what the Photo Session will look like.

  • Why is The Creative Meeting so important?

    Planning your Photo Session is one of the most important steps to the entire Photo Session process. This is where you get to share important information about your pet. Is your pet a cat, dog, guinea pig, rabbit, ferret, bird, iguana, etc.? This information will tell me what kind of set-up to have ready for your pet. I have a young son. Is your pet nervous or aggressive around children? Is your pet outgoing and loves people, or on the more reserved and shy side? Does your pet have a favorite treat or toy? What about a favorite word that will get their ears to come up? Are there trigger words, sounds, or actions I need to be aware of? I photographed a cat recently that does not like tall women (thankfully I am not tall.) She also is very nervous and is triggered to scratch and bite by quick movements. I was told ahead of time at the Creative Meeting and we were able to plan ahead and work together to get a few good photos of this beautiful cat. This is also where YOU get to ask ME any and all questions you may have about the Photo Session and how things work.

  • What other information is exchanged during the Creative Meeting?

    You will have the opportunity to tell me about your artistic dreams. What types of photographs are you looking for? are you looking for a large canvas print to showcase above your couch? Do you have a hallway you are looking to put a collage of prints down? Perhaps you are looking for an album to keep on your coffee table? Or a display of photos for your child’s bedroom of their best friend. Tell me what you are looking for, or if you are not sure we can discuss ideas and options. Also, during the Creative Meeting you will have a chance to look over your Photo Session contract. You may ask any questions you may have about the contract then either agree to it, or not. If you agree with the contract, you will sign it and pay the session fee. Then we will book your Photo Session. The Session Fee reserves you Photo Session time and date. Once the Session Fee is paid and you have no other questions or fun stories about your pet, we can move on to the Photo Session. If you think of other questions after the Creative Meeting, don’t hesitate to email me and ask!


The Photo Session - How to Prepare