What is a Lichen?
Wandering through the backyard I noticed quite a few areas of stuff growing on rocks, trees, and wooden posts. I just had to go take a closer look!
There is so much more to explore about lichens!
For instance:
How many types of lichens are there?
Do animals eat lichens or use them in any other way?
Do people use lichens for anything?
There are lichens growing on my tree. Are they going to hurt it?
So many question and not enough room here to answer them. It just means I get to explore more about lichens on another page of my Backyard Journal! And I get to go out and take more photographs of lichens!
1. Mauseth, James D. Botany - An Introduction to Plant Biology. Saunder’s College Publishing, USA. 2nd edition. 1995
2. Kochanoff, Peggy. A Field Guide to Nearby Nature - Field and Woods of the Midwest and East Coast. Mountain Press Publishing Company, Montana, USA. 2nd printing. 1994.
3. Bennet, Doug and Tim Tiner. The Wild Woods Guide. Harper Collins Publishers Inc, New York, USA. 1st edition. 2003
4. Alden, Peter et al. National Audubon Society Field Guide to New England. Alfred A Knopf Inc, New York, USA 1st edition. 1998